Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Mo 17.06.2024 00:00:19     9.849      +1      520.738    52,9 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
So 16.06.2024 00:00:12     9.848       0      519.937    52,8 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Sa 15.06.2024 00:00:09     9.848       0      519.492    52,8 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Fr 14.06.2024 00:00:20     9.848       0      518.644    52,7 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Do 13.06.2024 00:00:46     9.848      +1      517.683    52,6 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Mi 12.06.2024 00:01:07     9.847      +2      516.777    52,5 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Di 11.06.2024 00:00:07     9.845      +1      515.735    52,4 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Mo 10.06.2024 00:01:11     9.844       0      514.490    52,3 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
So 09.06.2024 00:01:08     9.844      +1      513.268    52,1 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Sa 08.06.2024 00:00:10     9.843       0      512.617    52,1 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000

Mo 17.06.2024 20:36

The transcript:
In this video we will reveal the unreasonably effective impact of Russian propaganda in the west the impact of Russian propaganda on you and me and our democracies will bring out the biggest impact of Russian propaganda. Most people do not grasp, and the cost of us not understanding what that is. We'll talk about how Russian propaganda tries to make our democracies ungovernable and about how Western politicians sometimes seem to borrow techniques from Russian propaganda. But before that we've got to make sure that we're all at least baby experts in propaganda. So we got to go to baby propaganda class and start by distinguishing Russian propaganda from Soviet propaganda. I grew up in the USSR and there the propaganda you got was alternate reality propaganda. My school told me to love Lenin more than my parents this was falsehood pedal atude designed to persuade you of a coherent alternate picture of reality. This is very different to Russian propaganda. Russian propaganda is not alternate reality propaganda, Russian propaganda is posttruth propaganda. It's designed to persuade you not into an opinion, but into inaction, into not doing politics. Russian propaganda asks you to not have political opinions, but it wants you to have two minimal opinions about political opinions
First: Participating in politics is a bad idea,
only a fool does that. Private freedom is good but public freedom is for idiots. This is an extreme project of depoliticization the second opinion is a back of the napkin theory of truth which says
Second: Who knows what if anything is true ?
which is of course a self-refuting position. To understand this more deeply let's look at what I take to be the Four Central Pillars of Russian putini propaganda.
The First Pillar of Putin's propaganda is "doubt about truth itself". Here we get to the heart of how this propaganda works. It wants to convert the thirst each human has for truth into resistance to accepting that anything is true. It exploits your desire not to get duped by politics. To get you to doubt everything about politics and eventually doubt the very possibility of acquiring truthful beliefs about politics at all. To apply this pillar to the terrible thing Russia does in Ukraine... Their defense won't be this isn't true, we didn't do it... But nobody can really know what's true.
The Second Pillar of Russian propaganda is "foregoing of consistency" about a terrible thing in Ukraine. The Kremlin might pedal two incompatible messages. It didn't happen and it happened but somebody else did it
The Third Pillar of Russian propaganda is set "saturation / volume / flooding" about a terrible thing done in Ukraine. This might mean not taking 2 but 8 incompatible positions: It didn't happen, Somebody else did it, It was staged, We did it but we were forced, Ukraine did it, NATO did it, The planet Saturn did it, The planet Saturn didn't do it but its rings did...
The Fourth Pillar of Russian propaganda is "motivational internality". Think of this as the maxim that a person is only going to be motivated by what already motivates them. Unlike Soviet propaganda Russian propaganda doesn't want to put into your head something that isn't already there. It wants to start with what already motivates you and then manipulate that it's not trying to change your ideology, it's helping you spin out of control via your own ideological logic.
Interfering in our democracies, the Kremlin's aim is not to take sides in our politics; but to make our political systems "ungovernable" by exacerbating what already divides us. Ungovernability is the aim ! At this point we need to recognize that Putin's propaganda has changed in the way that affects Russians but doesn't affect us in the west, since the fullscale invasion of Ukraine Russian propaganda has moved 20 or 30% back to Soviet style alternate reality propaganda. The content of this propaganda isn't Soviet after all.
The Soviet Union was a distorted hardleft regime and Putin's regime is a fascistic hard right tyranny. But the form is Soviet. It is alternate reality propaganda 70% of the time. The Kremlin now tells Russians believe nothing and nobody, not even us, 30% of the time. It now says: Do believe us after all we have an ideology to sell you. This is happening because Russia is a "fascisised regime without a fascisised population". The regime knows that this disbalance is unsustainable, but it doesn't know how to change it, when to change it and whether changing is something that it can control.

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