Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
So 02.06.2024 00:00:07    61.862       0    3.431.311    55,5 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Sa 01.06.2024 00:00:16    61.862      +2    3.429.149    55,4 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Fr 31.05.2024 00:00:10    61.860      +1    3.425.635    55,4 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Do 30.05.2024 00:00:06    61.859      +2    3.422.265    55,3 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Mi 29.05.2024 00:00:07    61.857      +1    3.419.439    55,3 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Di 28.05.2024 00:00:11    61.856      +5    3.416.643    55,2 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Mo 27.05.2024 00:00:09    61.851      +1    3.413.281    55,2 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
So 26.05.2024 00:00:08    61.850      -1    3.410.443    55,1 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Sa 25.05.2024 00:00:09    61.851      +2    3.407.482    55,1 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Fr 24.05.2024 00:00:07    61.849       0    3.404.186    55,0 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500

So 02.06.2024 14:02

Today's writing blues:
- after writing a nifty technique at work I thought I'd write a public article about it;
- cue export of 2,000 lines of SQL to adapt from Teradata to SQLite;
- cue 200 more lines of SQL to check that the replacement "open data" is workable;
- hang on! I'm going to write more text to describe 2,000 lines of SQL - am I mad?
- reminded that I started a My Data Work History article some time ago - oops;
- so of course I now consider writing a My Linux History...

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