Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Mi 12.06.2024 00:00:10    61.875       0    3.458.856    55,9 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Di 11.06.2024 00:01:08    61.875      +2    3.455.916    55,9 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Mo 10.06.2024 00:01:10    61.873      +1    3.452.718    55,8 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
So 09.06.2024 00:01:08    61.872      +2    3.449.942    55,8 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Sa 08.06.2024 00:00:08    61.870      +4    3.447.147    55,7 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Fr 07.06.2024 00:00:06    61.866      +1    3.443.911    55,7 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Do 06.06.2024 00:00:39    61.865      +2    3.440.613    55,6 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Mi 05.06.2024 00:00:43    61.863      +2    3.437.133    55,6 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Di 04.06.2024 00:00:09    61.861      -1    3.433.667    55,5 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500
Mo 03.06.2024 00:00:07    61.862       0    3.431.240    55,5 Fosstodon                 4.2.9      500

Mi 12.06.2024 08:58

For anyone who uses pygame, it's recommended that you switch to pygame-ce (community edition).

The original project hasn't had a stable release in nearly a year and it's also not yet compatible with Python 3.12.

pygame-ce also has some really useful features added to it (like FRects!) and does seem to be updated more frequently.

Not to mention, the latest release (v2.5.0) also added support for Wayland and PipeWire on Linux. 🥰

website -

[Reddit Thread - Pygame: Community Edition Announcement]
[1 year ago]

Pygame has been a staple of python game development for a very long time. Python newbies and veterans alike, as well as gamedev newbies and veterans, all use pygame to create wonderful pieces of entertainment, education, and even non-game related projects.

One of the biggest reasons for pygame’s continued success is the passion of the community for the library and the hard work of the contributors that make it happen. No single individual could have ever made pygame the wonderful thing that it is. However, it has not gone unnoticed that pygame has lacked a full release that is compatible with Python 3.11.

Due to some unfortunate management decisions, most of the active pygame development team is unable to continue maintaining pygame. But, that is not bad news at all! Coming from a fork near you is pygame - Community Edition (pygame-ce for short)!

[Source -]

[Reddit Thread - Pygame: Community Edition Announcement] [1 year ago] Pygame has been a staple of python game development for a very long time. Python newbies and veterans alike, as well as gamedev newbies and veterans, all use pygame to create wonderful pieces of entertainment, education, and even non-game related projects. One of the biggest reasons for pygame’s continued success is the passion of the community for the library and the hard work of the contributors that make it happen. No single individual could have ever made pygame the wonderful thing that it is. However, it has not gone unnoticed that pygame has lacked a full release that is compatible with Python 3.11. Due to some unfortunate management decisions, most of the active pygame development team is unable to continue maintaining pygame. But, that is not bad news at all! Coming from a fork near you is pygame - Community Edition (pygame-ce for short)! [Source -]

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