Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
So 12.05.2024 00:00:07    61.818      -1    3.365.285    54,4 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Sa 11.05.2024 00:00:08    61.819      +3    3.362.364    54,4 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Fr 10.05.2024 00:00:07    61.816      +4    3.358.988    54,3 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Do 09.05.2024 00:00:10    61.812      +2    3.355.511    54,3 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Mi 08.05.2024 00:00:08    61.810      +3    3.351.855    54,2 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Di 07.05.2024 00:00:18    61.807       0    3.348.423    54,2 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Mo 06.05.2024 00:00:09    61.807       0    3.345.172    54,1 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
So 05.05.2024 00:00:07    61.807      +1    3.342.918    54,1 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Sa 04.05.2024 00:00:09    61.806       0    3.339.819    54,0 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500
Fr 03.05.2024 00:00:07    61.806       0    3.337.826    54,0 Fosstodon                 4.2.8      500

So 12.05.2024 23:49

I just realized that Tress of the Emerald Sea is on I read this with my kiddos and we all loved it. Sample of the voice actor sounds pretty good. Which ever way you decide to experience this delightful book it will be absolutely worth it.

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