Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Di 21.05.2024 00:03:53    73.481       0    2.259.212    30,7 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Mo 20.05.2024 00:09:29    73.481       0    2.256.906    30,7 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
So 19.05.2024 00:00:29    73.481       0    2.254.918    30,7 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Sa 18.05.2024 00:05:04    73.481      -1    2.252.722    30,7 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Fr 17.05.2024 00:00:04    73.482       0    2.250.339    30,6 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Do 16.05.2024 00:02:55    73.482       0    2.248.117    30,6 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Mi 15.05.2024 00:03:52    73.482      +1    2.246.101    30,6 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Di 14.05.2024 00:02:20    73.481      -1    2.243.652    30,5 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Mo 13.05.2024 00:03:35    73.482      -1    2.241.610    30,5 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
So 12.05.2024 00:02:55    73.483       0    2.239.942    30,5 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500

Di 21.05.2024 04:38

[ cont]
“If you try to stare me down one more time, I will remove you from the stand. I will strike his entire testimony; do you understand me?

ATTY: Yes, Judge. I understand.

JUDGE MERCHAN: Listen to the question & answer the question.

: Can I say something, please?

JUDGE MERCHAN: No. No. This is not a conversation.


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