Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Mo 29.04.2024 00:02:05    73.496       0    2.218.507    30,2 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
So 28.04.2024 00:02:38    73.496       0    2.216.410    30,2 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Sa 27.04.2024 00:01:56    73.496       0    2.214.222    30,1 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Fr 26.04.2024 00:04:14    73.496      -1    2.211.513    30,1 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Do 25.04.2024 00:04:24    73.497       0    2.208.621    30,1 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Mi 24.04.2024 00:02:14    73.497       0    2.206.064    30,0 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Di 23.04.2024 00:05:12    73.497      -3    2.203.715    30,0 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Mo 22.04.2024 00:02:27    73.500      -1    2.201.509    30,0 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
So 21.04.2024 00:02:03    73.501      -1    2.199.092    29,9 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Sa 20.04.2024 00:03:01    73.502       0    2.196.797    29,9 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500

Mo 29.04.2024 18:02

The rain never bothered him anyway! Fritz poses in the rain for a guest! The bloat doesnโ€™t seem to mind the rain- weโ€™ve even seen Fiona catch raindrops on her tongue before! โ˜”This great video is brought to you by Great American Insurance Group.๏ธ
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