Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
So 28.04.2024 00:02:38    73.496       0    2.216.410    30,2 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Sa 27.04.2024 00:01:56    73.496       0    2.214.222    30,1 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Fr 26.04.2024 00:04:14    73.496      -1    2.211.513    30,1 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Do 25.04.2024 00:04:24    73.497       0    2.208.621    30,1 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Mi 24.04.2024 00:02:14    73.497       0    2.206.064    30,0 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Di 23.04.2024 00:05:12    73.497      -3    2.203.715    30,0 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Mo 22.04.2024 00:02:27    73.500      -1    2.201.509    30,0 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
So 21.04.2024 00:02:03    73.501      -1    2.199.092    29,9 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Sa 20.04.2024 00:03:01    73.502      -1    2.196.797    29,9 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500
Fr 19.04.2024 00:03:00    73.503       0    2.194.071    29,9 Mastodon                  4.2.8      500

So 28.04.2024 11:39

Never ceases to vex me how men are whining about the appearance of female protagonists in video games because they don't look like Jennifer Lopez and God forbid if they're queer. Go touch grass. 🤦‍♀️

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