Zeitpunkt Nutzer Delta Tröts TNR Titel Version maxTL Fr 01.11.2024 00:00:09 57.064 +73 2.519.846 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Do 31.10.2024 00:04:49 56.991 +69 2.516.248 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Mi 30.10.2024 00:03:42 56.922 +76 2.513.259 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Di 29.10.2024 00:04:23 56.846 +100 2.510.035 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Mo 28.10.2024 00:03:28 56.746 +77 2.506.590 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 So 27.10.2024 00:03:54 56.669 +86 2.502.348 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Sa 26.10.2024 00:00:20 56.583 +92 2.498.948 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Fr 25.10.2024 00:03:38 56.491 +87 2.495.958 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Do 24.10.2024 00:01:18 56.404 +60 2.494.191 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337 Mi 23.10.2024 00:03:41 56.344 0 2.491.063 44,2 Vivaldi Social 4.3.1... 1.337
Chaplin Tokyo _Hello, world!_ (@ChaplinTokyo) · 06/2023 · Tröts: 91 · Folger: 321
Fr 01.11.2024 00:53
Experimented this morning, with microwaving a mix of eggs and marinated soybeans whisked together to make this dashimaki omelette topping for the morning's rice.
I also reused the aquefaba from cooking the soybeans as a soup base for the breakfast miso soup!
#vegetarian #Japanesefood #ビバ丼
Wooden lacquered bowl containing brown rice topped with sliced Japanese omelettes incorporating soybeans and sprinkled with shichimi mix spices. By its side another bowl of miso soup with sliced scallions and fu. Behind them a glass of soy milk, and another of dark tea.
A glass stocker containing a portion of sliced Japanese omelette with soybean filling.
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