Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Sa 27.04.2024 00:02:05       303      -1       20.837    68,8 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Fr 26.04.2024 00:04:09       304      +1       20.775    68,3 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Do 25.04.2024 00:04:20       303      +2       20.691    68,3 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Mi 24.04.2024 00:02:08       301      +1       20.619    68,5 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Di 23.04.2024 00:05:06       300      -1       20.551    68,5 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Mo 22.04.2024 00:02:20       301       0       20.470    68,0 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
So 21.04.2024 00:01:57       301      +1       20.450    67,9 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Sa 20.04.2024 00:02:56       300       0       20.439    68,1 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Fr 19.04.2024 00:02:55       300      -1       20.360    67,9 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500
Do 18.04.2024 00:14:10       301       0       20.284    67,4 Wissenschaft trötet       4.2.8      500

Sa 27.04.2024 19:51

The 🇪🇺 🗳️ are just around the corner!
The Department of Political Science and European Affairs and the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP) with the support of EuropeanUnion Cologne are organising a live stream debate 🔥 of the Spitzenkandidaten!

📅 Monday, 29 April 2024, 🕠 5:45 pm 📍 Lecture Hall Building (105), Lecture Hall A1

Welcome and introduction by Dr Jens Wäckerle and Prof. Dr Sven-Oliver Proksch 📺 📊👏
Register now 📝:

Photo of the European Parliament Building.

Photo of the European Parliament Building. "Text: THE SPITZENKANDIDATEN DEBATE - European Election, 17:45 H | RECEPTION - 18:15 H | WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION (IN GERMAN) - Dr. Jens Wäckerle, University of Cologne, Prof. Sven-Oliver Proksch, University of Cologne - 19:00 H | LIVESTREAM OF THE DEBATE - 20:30 H | LIVE-VOTING (IN GERMAN) - Assessment of the performances of the Spitzenkandidaten and wrap up - LIVESTREAM FROM MAASTRICHT - maastricht-debate-2024 - Monday, 29. April 2024 - Hörsaal Al | Hörsaalgebäude | Albertus-Magnus-Platz | 50931 Köln

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